Indexation is one of the most important website assessment criteria that should be checked and improved for better site performance. It's via search engines that you can find out about this website assessment criteria and see your indexation.
Indexation Discovery of a Website
To find out how large your indexation is, you can go to major search engines, Google, Yahoo and MSN and type: The result will be all the pages indexed at each of those search engines.
Indexation in Search Engines
Indexation is a process done by search engines to record the presence of websites on the Internet and some of their details like title, description and a link. This website assessment criteria cannot be attended to without referring to search engines. They constantly crawl the web to index new pages as well as the changes in the pages already indexed.
The first step to promote a website is to make sure your site has gone through indexation process by search engines, specially by the major ones like Google, Yahoo and MSN. If you've submitted your website successfully to search engines, they should have indexed your web pages.
Indexation as a Major Website Assessment Criteria
The more pages of a web site are indexed by search engines, the better indexation it has compared to its competitors. In other words, each result at Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) contains a link to that website and each link will count.
By this website assessment criteria, you will also learn about your competitor's performance. You will know how well your competitors' websites are doing in the eyes of major search engines.
Therefore, when you evaluate this aspect of the competitor's performance, you may wonder how they could have such extensive indexation. The answer is "rich content" that makes a sizeable site (consisting of many pages) with lots of information for its visitors. So, it can make both visitors happy and search engines indexation enriched.
Note: Let's not forget that websites using illegitimate methods could be removed from search engines' indexes even if they've already been recorded by them. A thorough website assessment could reveal such techniques, tricks, on websites.
What about Directories?
During checking your competitors' indexation at search engines, you'll probably come across several links coming from directories. Directories are also as important as search engines.
The more links from directories you get, the better you've satisfied website assessment criteria. Of course, it's always ideal to be first listed by major directories like Yahoo and Open Directory (DMOZ). Having been indexed there, you could automatically be listed at other directories!
Before submitting your own website to directories, make sure you've professionally controlled the quality of your site. Directories have the personnel who look at websites before approving and accepting them. I'm sure you don't want to be rejected by them for little unimportant deficiencies at your website!
When it comes to competition, you'll have to catch up with them in terms of number of links from directories and even surpass them.
Better Indexation Condition
To improve indexation as one of the major website assessment criteria, you'll have to add more information (web pages) to your website. What you can do is to add the following items to your site:
* A section for articles,
* A glossary for your field of expertise,
* photo gallery,
* A directory of various resources,
* A set of freebies like whitepapers, guidelines, etc,
* A set of downloadable files or softwares,
* A set of links to similar websites all across the world,
* And so forth.
Of course, the main purpose of adding more information is to add value to your site. You should consider the needs of your visitors. Needless to say, more pages and more indexation are the natural consequence of quenching the website assessment criteria.
Indexation Is Limited
Search engines cannot index certain pages like those having forms, passwords or registration in them. In addition to this fact, search engines may and may not index all your pages. So, if you want all your web pages or at least some of them to be definitely indexed, make sure you submit them separately yourself.
dition, if there are web pages on your website that aren't linked from other websites, don't expect search engines to index them.
There shouldn't be orphan pages on your website. They're the pages to which none of your website's pages have posted a link. You must not have those pages on your site. It's highly recommended to find those pages and do something about them:
* Have a page adopt them, or
* Delete them from your server.
Then, submit them to search engines.
As you can see, without replying positively to this website assessment criteria, a major part of your efforts will be in vain no matter how well you design your website or master your profession.
Increasing PageRank of Your Web Pages
Each page of your website has a PR value, and as such you can simply add up the individual PR values of each page to arrive at the total PR that your site has.How you structure your internal links can influence to some extent what the PR value of a page will be, as will external links pointing to a page on your site. Although page PR value is important, you should really be trying to increase your total site PR value.
There are only two ways to increase your “site PR” value:
1. Get more incoming links that point to pages on your site.
2. Add new pages to your site.
The actual PR value of each page indexed by search engines on the Web is in constant flux. All over the Web, new pages are added, old pages are removed, more links are created - all of which over time decrease the “value” of your incoming links. As the number of websites (and web pages) in Google’s index increases, so does the total PageRank value of the entire Web, and so also does the high end of the overall scale used. This is kind of like the top student setting the “curve” for an exam at college. The top student gets 100% and everyone else gets correspondingly less. Therefore, the top-ranking site (or handful of sites in actuality) gets the maximum, perfect PageRank score (which is a 10 in the Google Toolbar) and everyone else is scaled down accordingly. As a result, some web pages may drop in PageRank value for no apparent reason. If a page's actual PR value was just above a division on the scale, the addition of new pages to the Web may cause the dividing line to move up the scale slightly and the page would end up just below the new division.
In a nutshell, Page rank considers links to be like votes. In addition, it considers that some votes are more important than others. PageRank is Google's system of counting link votes and determining which pages are most important based on them. These scores are then used along with many other things to determine if a page will rank well in a search.What this means is that you should always strive to get more links that point to your site, otherwise your site can naturally start slipping in rankings due to this decay of PageRank value for incoming links - both from other pages on your site as well as from other websites. This is also why you should add new pages to your site on a regular basis, as additional pages will increase your site’s total PR score too.
However, you must remember the logarithmic nature of the true PageRank. This means that a link from a PR=6 page that has lots of outbound links may be worth more than a link from a PR=4 page that has only a few outbound links. Whether this is true is dependent on the actual log base used for the PR equation, which is a secret. Do not get caught up in the minutiae of determining whether a site is worth exchanging links with. Barring link farms, Free-For-All (FFA) sites, sites with a true PR of 0 (which either aren’t indexed or have been “blacklisted” by Google), and sites that have nothing to do with your theme, you should strive to get more links that point to your site.
Search Engine Ranking
One of the major factors in website assessment criteria is the role of search engine ranking of your site compared to your competitors'. While reviewing a website, higher search engine ranking for a webpage's keyword is the important factor that brings a lot of traffic to that web site.
This website assessment criteria is one of the first elements you have to find out when reviewing a website. It'll show the way to you for further website optimization.
What's the Search Engine Ranking of Your Website?
Suppose you're searching a word or phrase in a search engine. When the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) appears, you'll see 10 results in each page. They're the web sites that have ranked highest for the searched term you've typed. This is the general method for discovering the search engine ranking of web sites for the searched term.
These days when we talk about the search engine ranking of a website in search engines, usually Google is in our minds. As the major part of searching in most of the countries is done through Google, this search engine plays a vital role in bringing success to you. Of course, you have to see if this is the case with your e-business or not.
Google Page Rank (PR) System
To learn about the page rank of a website in Google, the easiest way is to download and install the Google Toolbar on your web browser. As soon as you enter a website's URL, the Google ranking indicator shows its PR on a 0-10 scale. It won't count that much in reviewing a website based on our website assessment criteria list.
Let's not be too overwhelmed by Google PR system for our Internet business. What matters the most is to rank high at SERPs for the key phrases we've selected. Having 100 targeted visitors per day and lower Google PR is much better than having 1000 visitors per day who visit our sites for various other reasons.
Search Engine Ranking Based on Keywords
You compete with other websites over certain keywords or key phrases. The website that appears higher in SERPs enjoys higher ranks (visibility) for them. Obviously, higher ranking leads to more influx of targeted visitors to your site.
High visibility is a factor every website owner likes to achieve. The important question is where you'd like to have such visibility? In which search engines? For which keywords?
No wonder why there's so much effort and competition on achieving a position on the first (two) page of SERPs. Your entire attempt is toward gaining more targeted traffic. Such traffic brings the kind of visitors you're looking for รข€“ they should be easily made into customers if your content is created properly. If you're on the third or forth page of the SERPs, there'll hardly be any chance to be found.
In summary, you should select your keywords or key phrases very carefully and put a lot of efforts gaining higher search engine ranking for them. This website assessment criteria helps you realize where you stand compared to your competitors. Knowing this, you should find ways to surpass them.
Keyword Selection
Website Assessment should be performed mainly based on the competition you have with your fellow websites over certain keywords or key phrases. You'll have to use a set of relevant keywords on the your webpages and optimize them for those keywords.
Every website is focused on its niche market. It's likely that your competitor doesn't concentrate exactly on the same niche market that you are. Despite this, when it occupies a higher search engine ranking for your keywords, it'll be considered competition.
Every optimized website has targeted certain keywords through optimization process. Since search engine ranking, as one of the website assessment criteria, works based on the keywords you use, you're seriously in need of a well-managed Keyword Discovery OR KeyPhrase Research.
It's not recommended to select the keywords that receive lots of competition and searches, because it will put you in a difficult position. It's usually recommended to begin with the key phrases more specific to your niche. Although less people search for those phrases, they'll be the same people you're looking for. Here, less traffic is better than larger number of visitors who won't take any action at your site.
Taking Actions for Higher Search Engine Ranking
After you've realized how tough or easy the competition is over your choice key phrases, you'll need to take the following steps:
* Create new content on your site centered around the newly-selected key phrases,
* Optimize the new pages for your key phrases ,
* Submit those new pages to the major search engines, and
* Try to gain inbound link to them from other websites using various methods.
The last but not the least, the process of reviewing a website should be an ongoing effort performed alongside with the above measures to see how your progress is. It takes time and patience, but you'll see the result if you pay due attention to search engine ranking as one of the most important website assessment criteria.
Link Building Strategies
Solid link popularity can literally make or break a site with the search engines. In SEO, factors have become more and more important as they relate to rankings.
Before we go any further, what is link popularity? In very simply words, link popularity refers to the number and quality of the links that are pointing to your site. In the engine's view, your site is considered important as well. These other sites consider your site important enough to link to. What is meant by link popularity can get much more complex, which is discussed further in this article.
However, one of the most difficult areas of SEO services is building link popularity. Why? Because the engines don't want artificially created links, so there are no easy ways to build link popularity. The days of link farms and huge link building exchange programs are over. Try those strategies now and you can easily find yourself booted out of an engine.
Rather, the engines want links from authoritative sites, or links from sites that share the same focus as your site.
But besides the link popularity you gain by getting an authoritative site to link to you, you also gain additional visibility for your Web site. So, if you work on building link popularity, don't forget those two basic reasons and details for requesting links.
When looking through this links, you may find strategies that are subject to abuse. If you use them as recommended in this article, you will have no problems.
Now that we've gotten the preliminaries out of the way, let's get down to business: learning ways to increase the link popularity of our sites. After each strategy, we briefly attributed it to the SEO who sent it to us, and then we provided a list of all contributors along with their companies and URL's at the end of the article. To write this article, we went to professional search engine optimizers for their ideas.
Keep in mind that these strategies aren't in any particular order. Also, keep in mind that though it isn't always stated explicitly, we're always referring to related and important or authoritative sites as our targets.
Manual Directory Submissions Service
Directory Submissions is one of the most important ways to build incoming links to a website from a related page. This can not only get your website a higher Google Page rank but also improve the SERP's.
Why Submit your website manually ?
When you decide to submit your website to the web directories, there is in fact no alternative to manual directory submission. You can't auto-submit your website to the directories. The same thing goes with article submission as well. Web directories and article directories have anti-s pam devices in their web pages to check spam submissions.
In order to get best out of website submission job, it is of utmost importance that your web site URL is hand submitted by human submitters. Manual directory submission is important because all directories, search engines, ezines are not alike and only a trained human submitter can see the difference and submit accordingly.
One of the most difficult tasks is manual submissions to directories. This task is nor only time consuming but also require intensive dedication on the part of submitter to ensure that they have successfully created the links they wanted.
Benefits of Directory Submissions:
* Additional targeted traffic
* One-way links to your Website
* Quality backlinks
* High Google PageRank
* Improved search results
* High visibility in search engines
Given below are some of the advantages of manual directory submission.
1. The right links will help you in getting the right traffic to your website.
2. initially you will need to put in a lot of extra effort but this extra effort will pay off in the form when the ranking of your website will increase
3. You can take advantage of those services which are offering there services through experienced staff and professionals.
4. You can study the requirements and structure of you the directory to which you are submitting. This will help you in getting a better understanding.
5. You only need to fill one form with correct information this will help you in getting what you desire.
6. The right directory submission requires that you carefully select the categories and subcategories in order to ensure that you are submitting to the right niche.
7. It is much more effective then automatic submission since you will need to go through each and every step manually.
8. You will know exactly which thing goes where since you are filling all the forms and necessary information manually.
9. You get the option of minimizing you problems due to the multiple titles, anchor text, descriptions and other such tags.
10. You get the advantage of creating backlines as well as creating a better reputation for your website.
Take our manual directory dubmission dervice and see your serp's, traffic and pagerank growing.
What should your article be about?
Article marketing is a wonderful tool to gain attention to your business. Article marketing has been around ever since the printing press but it has really taken off in these days of the internet.
The good news: article marketing is a proven tool for growing your business through your website. The bad news: you have to write a lot in order for it to be most effective – and I do mean a lot.
How much? Some article marketing experts advise you to write five or six articles a day to keep yourself in the public’s mind. Remember, this is electronic media: one minute you’re the hottest thing out there, the next minute, you’re gone.
So, what can you write about so the well doesn’t run dry? Here are some ideas to get your creative side working for you.
What are the newest trends in your industry right now? Are you a dermatologist who supplies Botox? Write about its benefits to your patients. Do you have an alternative to Botox that is even better? Why is it better? What are some factors your patients should consider before going that route?
Is there something confusing about your industry that many people seem to misunderstand? For example, are you an advertising copywriter and everyone seems to think you deal with legal copyrights? Write an article and explain the difference. Are there some terms that make your clients’ eyes glaze over? Write a brief glossary that explains the legalese in an easy-to-understand way.
What is going on in your industry in the next few months? Many industries are cyclic, with the same events happening the same time every year. Remember: think two or three months ahead on the calendar, at least, to give yourself some lead time. Is it almost tax season? If so, are there tips you can give your customers on how to save on their taxes? Or, is it almost Christmas? Does your business offer a unique item that would make a great gift?
Now think about your particular company. Have you received any feedback from a client or customer about how your company helped them through some crisis? That’s great! Write about it. However, for article marketing, remember, it can be tricky: Free article content is not supposed to blatantly plug your company. You will probably have to change the names and situations just enough that the client will be unrecognizable in the article. But you can write the article so as to say, “Carol Smith’s house burned down, but thanks to new trends in insurance customer service, she was able to get help more quickly.” Your article can have links to your webpage where you can include Mrs. Smith’s testimonial, if you have her permission to do so.
One very effective way to brainstorm for article ideas is to come up with lists. What lists are helpful to your customers? “Ten things to do before you meet your financial advisor”; “Five ways to tell if your dog is healthy”; Six ways to choose a dermatologist” are all ideas that your potential customers will want to read. Once they do, they will want to visit your website or contact your company for more information.
Do and don’t articles can also be entertaining and informative. “Do take your dog’s leash on a trip to the vet. Don’t let Spike run wild in the office” can be helpful reminders. You can even use it on your own website, published in a checklist format that your customers can print off and keep on their refrigerator. Of course, you’d print it in such a way that your business contact information is at the bottom of the checklist.
Fun bits of trivia and history can make for an interesting article also. You could just list fun facts or make a short quiz. Just make sure that the information is truly interesting to your clients.
These are just some ways to brainstorm for article ideas. If you are truly stumped for ideas, just walk away from it for a while. You’ll be surprised at how much your brain will keep working on it without you being aware.
While Article Marketing is an intensive way to build public awareness in your business, it can be very effective. Try these ideas and soon your free articles will build interest in your company.
How to take the words right out of someone’s mouth
Online Article marketing is a great way to build interest in your company. You submit free articles to a variety of free content sites. Someone uses the article from those sites on their own website, thus distributing it (along with your name and reputation) across the internet.
However for article marketing to work effectively, you must write a lot of articles – some say five to six articles per day. That takes a lot of time and work, especially if you are not a writer by trade. You need to focus on your business. How do you find the time to write five to six new articles every day?
The answer is easy – you don’t. It’s called spinning. It is easy to refresh information into a whole new format. Here are simple steps to follow to create quick, easy articles.
4. Decide what topic you want to write about. If you are using it in your article marketing campaign, the subject should be closely related to your business. If you are a veterinarian, it should be about something related to animals and their care. You may have your own opinions about politics or religion, but your free article is not the place to air them.
5. Write down what you know about a topic. For example, if you’re a real estate agent and writing about avoiding foreclosures, write down what you know about the subject.
6. Use your favorite search engine to seek out more information about the topic. You may find there are new products available or new research that enhances or changes what you already knew. Write that new information into your article, using your own words. For example, the real estate agent may find statistics about the foreclosure rate in his or her area. He or she may also find out about some new legislation in the works to help prevent foreclosures.
“Using your own words” is the most important part of step three. Plagiarism, that is, using someone else’s words and claiming they are your own, is not only wrong, it violates copyright laws. You could easily be sued for it, so don’t try it. The standard rule is that there should be at least a 40% difference in content between two articles.
Instead, when you find interesting new information, all you have to do is give credit where credit is due: “According to a new report by X Corporation, this vaccine can react negatively with….” is acceptable attribution.
If you don’t need attribution for a fact, all you have to do is simply rework the article so that it sounds like you are saying it. For example, if you find an article that says, “The patient was benefited by the use of Zyrtec.” You can reword it to say, “By using the steroid inhaler, the patient’s symptoms improved.” By simple changes in wording, you can make the information your own and, in many cases, you can make your article more readable. We’ve all read articles that sounded so stilted that we’re left scratching our heads and saying, “What does That mean?” By reworking a sentence into your own words, you can make information a lot clearer for your readers.
It can also be helpful if you rearrange sentences and paragraphs so they are in a different order, the rework the transitions between paragraphs.
Another way to make information your own is to add examples from your own experience. For example, if you are a dermatologist and are writing an article about microdermabrasion, you could cite a statistic about it, and then relate it to your patient, Claudia “whose skin improved notably after two treatments.” True examples are always a great way to draw a reader into the information.
Amazingly, there are software programs called article spinners that will even do many of these techniques for you. You could make a website composed of hundreds of versions of the same article if you wanted to. But there would be something missing if you didn’t spin the information yourself.
Tips on writing it well
If you have a website for your business, you may have been considering Article marketing to drive visitors to that site. It can be a great way to generate interest in your business and enhance your reputation as an expert in your field.
Article marketing is the process of writing an article about a subject related to your business. The article includes a reference to your business. While you don’t get paid for what you write, publishers will publish it, allowing you to get free advertising for your business. These days, article marketing is growing in popularity, especially on the internet.
There are many websites available that publish free articles, pictures and other content. Visitors to those sites may use the articles on their own websites, thereby assuring fresh content on a regular basis. By using free article or free web content sites, you may find you’re published all over the globe.
While the various free article and free web content sites have their own guidelines, these involve formatting, decency rules and other matters. Quite often the guidelines don’t include how to write well. An article will not do your business any good if it is not well written.
Don’t be afraid: We’re not talking about writing in Shakespearean couplets. But if your eyes have ever glazed over while reading an article, you know how poor writing can drive readers away.
Here are some simple rules to follow:
8. Be sure you know something about the topic. You don’t have to be world’s greatest expert but you have to know something about a subject to write about it. So do your research and make sure you have your facts straight.
9. When you sit down to write your article, think about the main point you are trying to convey. That will be your lead paragraph. For example: “Many people about tooth whitening products. Here are the products available, their approximate costs and the pros and cons of each one.”
10. When you write your lead paragraph, try to answer these basic questions: Who? What Where? When? Why? How? This will give the reader a clear idea of what your article will talk about.
11. Try to arrange the information in your article with the most important information at the top and the least important at the bottom. Newspaper reporters call this the inverted pyramid style. It allows publications to shorten articles for space considerations by merely taking off the bottom paragraphs. This way, only the least important information is deleted. (Of course, the information about your article will remain intact as it will be contained in a text box or italicized paragraph.)
12. Try to write as you talk. While grammar is important, it is better to sound natural. If in doubt, read a sentence out loud: If it sounds stilted to you, it will sound stilted to others too. Also, avoid jargon and “buzzwords”. Does anyone really know what a “paradigm” is, for example?
13. Don’t worry too much about length. Your article is done when you feel that you have included all the information your readers will want. If you feel your article is too long, you can leave out some information but mention that, “for more detailed information about tooth veneers, visit my website (see information at the bottom.”) This, of course, is the whole point of your article.
14. When you’ve written your article, be sure to proofread it yourself. You may discover you left out something or you didn’t write something correctly. Also be sure to use a spellchecker. In addition, make sure someone else reads the article before you submit it. Never rely on just your own eyes. If you’ve spent a lot of time on your article, it is easy for your eyes to skim over a glaring error. It is better to have a spouse, a friend or a colleague read your article and point out your mistakes than to have them spread out over the internet.
Dos and Don’ts for your article marketing efforts
Writing free articles for use as website content can be a very effective way to market yourself and your business. If you do it the right way, the exposure you gain is awesome.
Here are some dos and don’ts for you to follow to get the best bang for your Article marketing buck.
Do write a lot. Many people get the article-writing bug but then only write one or two articles. Then they give up and say it didn’t work. As with many marketing efforts, it takes time and repetition to get the word out. Keep writing. Some experts say you should write five or six articles a day to be effective.
Don’t make your articles puff pieces about yourself or your company. Web publishers are looking for content that is useful to their visitors.
Do write about subjects in your field that are of interest to you. Your passion will show in your writing and fire up your readers’ interest. They will be eager to go to your business.
Don’t write about something you don’t know about. Take the time to do what research you need to make your article understandable and enjoyable. Just be sure to give proper credit for the information you use.
Don’t plagiarize. It is wrong and hurts your credibility. You could also be sued for using someone else’s information without attribution.
Do make your headlines clear. The most effective is “Subject: Why your reader should read this.”
Don’t write a headline that doesn’t describe the article: “A lovely Christmas story” is not what your reader wants right now. He or she wants information now. A good headline tells the reader exactly what information is in the article.
Do keep your opening (or lead) paragraph short and sweet. Make it similar to the headline by using the same keywords. Again, this tells readers exactly what they will be getting.
Don’t forget to follow the headline and the lead paragraph when writing the rest of the article. Try not to switch subject’s midstream.
Do use at least one link to your website within the article and perhaps those to other useful websites. It is one way your article draws attention to you and your business.
Don’t forget your reader. Keep in mind what your reader is looking for. Give them what they need.
Do use keywords and lots of them within the article. When people use a search engine, they type in keywords. Search engines rank content partially on the number of keywords they find in an article.
Don’t, however, just repeat keywords just to build up the number of them. Make sure the keyword you use has a legitimate place in your article.
Do remember to keep your sentences and paragraphs short. One way to do this is by using a list format: Use dos and don’ts, or try to create a list of ten things your readers should know about a topic.
Don’t use “$20 words” just to prove you know your subject. Vocabulary words were great in elementary school but pretentious in a marketing article. It is better to be simple and easily understood. For example, “use” is better than “utilize”.
Do review the guidelines of the free article directory and make sure your article follows its instructions. Revise your article if you need to.
Don’t submit your article without doing the following first: Proofreading it, using a spellchecker and having a colleague read it. Each step is important and can keep you from making embarrassing and costly mistakes.
Do use your bio box as a sales tool. “Bill Jones is a business owner and an expert in health insurance. Visit and find 10 more tips for evaluating your health insurance plan.
Don’t overload your bio box with dull information: For example, “Bill Jones is the owner of Bill Jones Co. and grand-high poo-bah of the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos. He and his dog Spike live in Ottumwa, Iowa.” tells the reader nothing about why they should trust your information and gives them nothing to remember your name once they click over to another website.
Do have fun writing your free articles. Don’t ignore the enormous potential Article Marketing has to promote your business.
How Free Web Content Has Become the Internet marketing's driving force
How did he do it? How did your geeky cousin come up with such a cool website? Not only does it have great pictures of your latest family get together, but it also has the actual latest news headlines and even stock quotes. (And you never even knew he was into the stock market?)
Actually, he probably isn’t. Chances are, he was just smart – he used free web content sites to spice up his own website.
Free Web Content sites and free article sites are quickly growing in popularity on the internet. And no wonder: They allow webmasters to quickly refresh their sites with new stuff, thus ensuring visitors will keep going back to them. (In the internet world that’s called “stickiness”.
What kind of content is available? Just about anything, from the latest news, trivia, quizzes, animation and clip art. Some even provide templates to help you design your website and counters to keep track of how many people visit it. Another nifty feature many free web content sites offer is a link to advertisers: If you link to one of them and a visitor from your site clicks the link, you could earn money. That’s an easy way to earn a few extra bucks, isn’t it?
Where does the other free content come from? Mainly from writers who want to gain exposure (or at least keep their hand in writing).
For instance, someone who is a trivia junkie might like to come up with fun quizzes. Rather than try to have the quizzes published by conventional means, he or she can submit them to a free web content site. If enough people select those quizzes for use on their website, it could generate enough of a “buzz” to make a publisher take notice. Even if that did not happen, the trivia junkie still gets the joy of sharing his or her hobby with others.
Are you a writer but don’t know what to write about? Many of the free web content sites have lists from publishers who are seeking specific subjects. Some sites allow web designers to have material custom written for their site. Check these lists to see if something meets your special interest.
Does it sound too good to be true? May be yes, may be no. Remember the old adage, “You get what you pay for.” But with the publishing industry as competitive as it is, you may find some really valuable information in that free article. Just be sure to carefully read the content you are considering to make sure it is accurate and well-written enough. Badly written material is bad news for your website, no matter who wrote it.
Also, it pays to do a search to make sure the article wasn’t ripped off from someone else. Simply type a key phrase from the material you are considering into your favorite search engine. If the search reveals another article very similar to the one you are considering, it may have been plagiarized.
It is also important to consider readership. If your website is mainly geared toward “Star Trek” and its many sequels, do you really want that wine review article in the margin? Likewise, if you’re fairly conservative, read that romance column carefully to make sure it does not espouse values that you don’t agree with.
Part of the beauty of free web content is that there is so much available. You can change content as often, or as little as you like. You can experiment with both the look and the content of your site – and have fun doing so.
Likewise, if you are a writer, you can try your hand at writing movie trivia and if nobody seems interested in it, you can always go back to sports writing instead. As long as your content meets the site’s parameters, it will still be available for others to see, and perhaps use. It is helpful that many web content sites have a rating system. It allows you to see how your work compares with similar works and perhaps help you to match your material to reader interest.
Using a Free Web Content site has many advantages, both for writers and for web page designers. Find them by typing “free web content” into your favorite search engine. You’ll be amazed at what’s out there for you to use – free. Who knows, you may even find stuff written by your geeky cousin – and use it too.
How to get people to visit your site
You’ve put a lot of effort into designing a website, either for yourself or for your business. You even put one of those counters at the bottom. But sadly, that counter is not moving very much, if at all. How do you get more people to look at your hard work?
There’s a technical term for that question: search engine optimization. When you type a term into the search box on your favorite search engine, there is a ranking system that determines which websites are at the top of the list. The higher up a website is in a search list, the more likely it is a searcher will choose to visit that website.
The trick is how to get your website higher up in those rankings, or search engine optimization (SEO). It’s a popular question, after all, who doesn’t want more visitors to their website? There are many books, articles and websites devoted to SEO techniques. Here is just a sampling of some of them.
SEO involves researching search engine’s coding, structure and presentation to determine how websites are ranked. When you consider that no search engine indexes more than 16% of the web, you can see where it is very important to figure out how each of those search engines work.
That research, which should be done by someone with internet expertise, can find a problem that is keeping a search engine’s web crawler from fully exploring your site. There are consultants who specialize in finding and fixing these problems. It is important to remember that while search engines do offer SEO guidelines, they don’t list all of the factors they consider in their rankings. Google alone said it uses more than 200 different factors.
If an SEO consultant or company has determined there is not a technical problem keeping your site from ranking higher, you can improve a site’s ranking by making sure it has unique content so it can be easily indexed by those search engines. Try to make your web content truly unique. For example, you can add information specific to your region. Or, you can add additional information that cannot be easily found on other sites, such as your company’s product information.
Those are some of the right ways to optimize search engine use. Of course, there are also wrong ways as well. For instance, there is “spamdexing” which involves repeating unrelated keywords to trick a search engine’s web crawler into ranking a site more highly. A site that unnecessarily repeats a term, such as “SEO” could end up ranking more highly that a site that mentions the term less often but offers more actual information.
Another SEO technique to avoid is using a link farm. Search engines sometimes rank sites by the number of hyperlinks in the text. Link farms are a group of web sites that hyperlink to each of the other sites in the group.
These and similar techniques are frowned upon by search engine administrators and by web users. Search engines that discover such deceptive techniques may not only reduce the ranking of sites that use them, they can even remove the website completely from the search engine’s database. This has happened and not just to fly-by-night, snake-oil-salesmen types. It has even happened with prominent, international companies.
Probably the best and easiest way to optimize search engine rankings is to take the extra time and effort to meet each search engine’s guidelines. Keep in mind what a typical search engine user is looking for when trying to find a site like yours. “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” can definitely result in higher rankings in various search engines.
If your website is intended to generate business, it is definitely worth additional time and money for SEO. However, remember the internet is changing rapidly. Even the best SEO research will not necessarily generate higher search engine rankings.
While search engines are an important way to get attention to your site, it should not be the only method you use. Studies have shown that it is more beneficial to get links to your site from other websites. However, by investing in Search Engine Optimization, you can generate more legitimacy to your website.
Get Free Traffic & Hits With These Stunning Tips
Running a website these days is not all that difficult. There are numerous programs and guides that can teach a person how to setup a website within a matter of hours. However, making a website is only half the battle. The other half is getting people to actually visit the website. Therein lies the dilemma: how can you get people to come to your web site without spending a fortune? For years, people have been trying to answer that question and come up with new & innovative ways to bring in targeted site traffic. Those methods have been tested and used to death, but the facts speak for themselves; they are still proven methods of getting free traffic hits.
Article Marketing
Article marketing has got to be one of the most successful techniques of generating traffic. Not only is it a proven method, but it seems to be one of the most effective methods that anyone can begin with. This whole technique revolves around writing informative articles and submitting them to different article directories all over the internet. The trick to this technique is to add in your web sites URL to the bottom of the article (in the resource box). That way, once the article is approved and officially added to the article directory, it will start to bring traffic to your web site.
Although this is a very effective way to begin driving traffic to a web site, it is not a "sure thing". That simply means the article you write is not guaranteed to bring in traffic. Why? Because the reader needs to learn something. If the article is just full of nonsense, the person will not continue reading and they will not likely follow the link to your website. The information they read doesn't have to be revolutionary or profound either. The article just has to teach them something they didn't know or reaffirm something they thought they knew.
There are other important factors involved with article marketing; for instance, targeting keywords and specific phrases. Those things should be learned in order to maximize an articles efficiency, which will ultimately bring in more free traffic hits.
Some people take the lazy route and choose to churn out articles via article writing software, but those people usually find that software based articles don't pack the same type of punch that handwritten ones do.
Viral Marketing
This method is a bit on the sneaky side, as it involves attaching your product, company name, and/or website link to a video, a silly game, e-book, and/or an interactive web page. If the game is entertaining or if the video is funny (or informative), then the video or game will likely be passed along to friends and family. It may even hit forums and start spreading like wildfire throughout the web. Even though the viewers are watching something entertaining, they are also watching a clever advertisement made by you. They won't realize it at the time, but they will see the web link and will want to head to that website out of pure instinct. Presto, instant traffic headed your way.
"Are there other proven methods of getting free traffic & hits?" You bet! There is an entire arsenal of different ways that you can drive traffic to your web site; you just have to have the patience & determination to learn those methods and utilize those techniques.
Generate Free Web Site Traffic in 7 Simple Ways
Generating website traffic and accumulating free traffic hits can be quite difficult. Some people try at it for years and they just never find the means to succeed. It's not their lack of commitment, per say, but their lack of knowledge and guidance. They simply just don't know where to begin or what techniques to use. Well, if you happen to be one of those people, you are in luck! Because you are about to learn 7 great tips to begin driving traffic to web site.
Tip 1: Submitting To Directories
Directories can be very powerful. Not only can they give you tiny spurts of traffic, but they can also build up a lot of backlinks for you. Submitting to directories is pretty simple. You find different directories, fill out the form (name, email, website URL), and then click submit. After that you will get a confirmation via email and your URL will be added to that directory in a few days, weeks, or months; it varies for each directory. You could always pay for directory submission, but honestly, you should stick to free directories at first.
A List Of Directories Can Be Found Here:
Tip 2: Create "Link Bait"
Link bait is basically content on your website that causes people to link back to it. Something funny, something entertaining, something informative, or just something with a little bit of flare. If some body likes it, they will link back to it on their website. This is the best way to drive traffic because it shows that your website is genuinely interesting. This is always a nice form of traffic, but don't rely on it whole heartedly.
Tip 3: Join Forums and Contribute
Forums are a great place to get information and to generate free traffic hits. The secret to using a forum is not spamming; it's actually the opposite. Being a member and contributing information, as well as being helpful, is that secret. Don't just sign up, put in a sig file, and start posting garbage. Members will catch on to you very quickly. Instead, don't add a sig file until you've got 50-100 posts and until you have been a member for at least a month. It may be hard, but it will be better for you in the long run. After that months time, add a nice attention grabbing sig file to your profile and then post away. Don't go overboard though!
Tip 4: Have Reliable Web Hosting
This tip is more for keeping visitors happy than it is for generating free web site traffic. When someone visits your site and it is down due to technical problems, they immediately get turned off. Even if they have been a loyal member for quite some time, you drop a notch on their "respectability" meter. To avoid this, you should get the best hosting possible and avoid free hosting services. All free services aren't necessarily bad, it's just that you never know where you stand with them. Too many ads, unannounced downtimes, limited bandwidth, poor support, and plethora of other things that could pose a threat to your website success. Generally speaking, it just isn't worth the hassle. Go with a paid hosting service. It is safer, more reliable, and it usually only costs 10 bucks a month. You won't regret it.
Tip 5: Use E-bay
E-bay is seen by many people as just an auction website used to sell and buy a multitude of different things, but it is really so much more. E-bay is practically a web site traffic generator that can be used by anyone at any given time. Obviously, you have to have something to sell, but that typically isn't a problem. You can sell E-books (resell rights can be bought from many different sites) for less than a buck and start generating traffic in a big way. You'll sell them for 99 cents and then you'll make it so that they must get the E-book from your site or even submit their E-mail to get receive their purchase. There are a lot of ins & outs to E-bay marketing, but they are definitely worth learning.
Tip 6: Give Away an E-book
Sounds simple enough, right? Well, it is. You merely acquire an E-book (with resale/distribution rights) and offer it to others for free. People love to get freebies, so this technique is full proof. You can even use it as an incentive for people interested in your mailing list. Get the word out by using forms and even free classified ads websites. The power of a freebie is undeniable; don't ignore it!
Tip 7: Start an Article Marketing Campaign (THE BEST FOR LAST)
This is probably the best free way to drive traffic to web site. It's not only easy to do, it's REALLY, REALLY powerful. Write a few articles, stick in some keywords, add a eye catching resource box, and submit it to big name directories; bingo, you're finished. There are a few more intricate details to article marketing, but that is the basic process in a nutshell. A single article can generate thousands of free traffic hits in just a SINGLE month. Admittedly, it would have to be a great article and extremely well targeted, but the possibility is there. If you aren't a great writer, then you need to start practicing & improving your skills. Either that, or hire someone to write the articles for you (the rates for most writers are anywhere from $5-$25 per article).
Get Targeted Web Site Traffic For Free
Traffic! No website can prosper without a steady stream of it. But, how does a webmaster begin driving traffic to web site without having to pay for it? Well, it really isn't all that difficult. As a matter of fact, there are a plethora of techniques that can provide your website with plenty of targeted site traffic, for free! You just have to learn how to use them effectively. Also, if you can figure out how to obtain those free traffic hits with little to no work, your website will practically become a traffic superhighway that will receive hundreds, or even thousands, of visitors per month.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
This method involves creating a website that is heavily soaked with specific keywords. By doing this, the webmaster will maximize web site traffic because that site will have a high chance of ending up on the first, or possibly the second page, of Google within just a few weeks. However, that is only if it is done right and if the keywords have been chosen carefully. One of the best ways to optimize a webpage is to hyperlink the keywords and long tail keywords.
For Example: Instead of having a Link that says LCD TVs, the webmaster should use a more specific key phrase, such as "Emerson LCD TVs" or "Best discount LCD TVs"
By using terms that are less general, they'll improve their web site traffic and they will likely bring in hundred and hundreds of free traffic hits.
SEO may sound easy, but it can take a lot of research and hard work in order to find low competition keywords coupled with a high search volume.
E-book Creation
Believe it or not, you can bring traffic to a web site by the boat load just by creating an Ebook. "But aren't they hard to create?" Generally speaking, no. Most ebooks are simply a collection of articles that have been merged together to create one big informative report. Of course, just creating one isn't enough, you have to market it as well. Luckily, there is a way to spread that E-book around and generate loads of free traffic hits. Ebay!
Most people underestimate the sheer power of ebay and how it can be used to pretty much do anything. What you will do is take the ebook you created and then sell it on ebay. How much should you sell it for? 1 penny. That's right, you're not trying to make money from it, you are trying to gain traffic off of it, which in turn will make you money down the road. Believe it or not, that $.01 E-book will be eaten up by thousands of people everyday. So with your links strategically placed within it, your website will begin generating web site traffic on a massive scale.
Above are ONLY two of the methods that can teach you how to obtain free traffic, but you better believe that there is plenty more where that came from! Stop being content with having a mediocre amount of traffic and start aiming to have the highest traffic web site ever!
Get Past The Learning Curve of Web Site Traffic
For so many new webmasters and internet marketers, the idea of generating traffic is just unbearable. To some, creating a product, designing a website, adding eye popping graphics, and creating awesome sales copy is considered child's play to generating targeted web site traffic. Why? Because some people simply don't know where to begin and are buried under a mountain of information. It's not actually their fault. There are so many people and guides that give information, advice, and tips that it can be hard to narrow down the choices. Basically, they just can't seem to get out of the learning curve.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to learn new techniques and discover new methods. However, there is a big difference between proactive learning and passive learning. With proactive learning, you will take the knowledge you have, and the knowledge you continue to get, and you'll start trying to generate free web site traffic. On the other hand, passive learning basically means that you sit on all that traffic information, advice, and tips until a miracle happens and everything just falls into place for your website. Newsflash: It doesn't happen that way!
Instead of just waiting and "absorbing" the information, like so many people claim to do, you should just get out there and start driving traffic to your website. Don't worry about what technique you should use or which one you shouldn't use; just start. Pick the traffic generating technique that you think is the easiest and begin using it asap. Do not think about what might happen, simply think about what needs to be done to increase your website traffic.
If you're having trouble choosing your first traffic technique, try forum posting. It is extremely easy to do and doesn't really require a great deal of skill.
Forum posting is so easy because all you have to do is talk. Simply talk about a topic you like and you can generate traffic. Create & attach a sig file, your website URL and an attention grabbing phrase, to every one of your posts (customary for most forums) and then merely talk and discuss things with other members. It won't be long before the forum members take notice of your signature file; and that means the members whom like your sig file will click on your URL and be brought to your site. Bingo, instant TARGETED traffic!
Find niche specific forums that are closely related to your topic and you should see even more impressive results. Once you have become comfortable with forum posting, gradually move on to other techniques, such as article marketing or even PPC campaigns with Google Adwords. Because the more techniques you utilize, the more traffic you can bring in. Getting past the learning curve doesn't take all that much; you just have to get started. So, start forum posting today!
Houston Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization, or SEO, of your business website is the number one method of marketing your business on the internet. SEO is the specialized marketing efforts that are designed to increase a website's rank in search engines for specific search terms (knows as keywords). When potential clients and customers search for these keywords, it's imperative that your website shows up at the top of the search engine results to insure that this target market clicks on your website link.
If your website is buried on page 4 or deeper in search engine results for the terms that could be driving massive amounts of potential customers to your website, you are missing out on untold sales and leads. Over 65% of internet shoppers use search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Live (formerly MSN) to find websites that they will do business with. It's a no-brainer that your business is missing out on cash if you are not at the top of search engines for keywords that your target market is using.
Internet Marketing: The Full Picture
SEO is Only the Beginning
The majority of search engine optimization companies focus entirely on the premise of "top search results equal top sales." This is really not true because search results are only the very beginning of a potential customer's journey. The truth is that, like you probably do, the potential customers who do find your website at the top of search engines are likely to visit several of the top websites that they are shown by search engines. This means that not only do you need to have great search engine placement, but your website still must compete with the other top ranking websites. The dirty truth that most search engine optimization companies don't want you to know is that top search results are not enough.
Maximizing Customer Experience for Optimal Sales
Let's face it: Some websites focus primarily on top search results, some focus primarily on design, and others focus mainly on delivering quality products and services and a top notch customer experience. If your website is lacking in one of these areas, it's going to lose business to the websites that are at the head of the game in these areas.
When choosing your Houston search engine optimization company, take into account more than their ability to increase your search rank. Talk to them at length about your business, your products or services, and be sure they understand your target market and your business vision. The best internet marketing company to invest in for optimal website marketing results is the one that understands that online marketing involves numerous aspects, including search rank and a top notch customer experience.
How to Get High Rankings on Search Engine Results Page
The main objective of every website is to rank top on the search engines. This is possible when the people search for your website with the related keywords. Basically you should know the factors, which influences the search engine ranking, so that you can focus your efforts on them.
There are two main factors that influence your website in search engine rankings. They are on-page factors and off-page factors. The on-page factor influences directly on your website and are hosted on server such as, content, Meta tags and header tags. While the off-page factors encompasses things that affects outside the website and influences your rankings such as, link popularity.
Things you can do to improve search engines rankings
Good content, Page titles and Meta tags are the three major factors to increase your website ranking on search engine results pages. Beside these 3 things there are few other things that can improve your rankings. They are:
• Use Target Keywords in the Content: Find the keywords that users frequently type in the search engines to find their sites. Get these target keywords in the content of your pages, in titles, in tag descriptions and at all the places where they make sense in real sentences.
• Get High Value Links: The efficient way to determine High Value Links is to install Google Toolbar and use the Google’s Page Rank to determine link value. This is because if there is more High Value Links it can lead to better search engine popularity. It is better to have few high quality linking than the than many irrelevant links.
• Relevant Value Added Content: Append the appropriate value added content for your website. This includes articles, blogs, news, and relevant tools to your business or industry. If your site has 100 pages of good quality content then there is a possibility of ranking top, than the site that has only 10 pages.
• Create A Site Map: The major search engines like, Google, Yahoo have their standards for website rankings. It enables your visitors and search engines to navigate your website.
• Use More Text Than Images: To display all the essential names, content, or links use more text than images. Search Engines do not recognize text contained in images or flash content. If there is a need to use images, then always use the Alt tag to describe the link.
• Revisit Keywords On Regular Basis: There are several ways to search for the similar text and the search patterns vary frequently. You have to use the keywords according to those changes.
• Submit Site To Directories: These directories include Yahoo and DMOZ. DMOZ is the Open Directory Project and is used to power thousands of sites and directories. If your site is included in this directory it gets you links to 1000's of other sites.
This information suggests the ways to improve the rankings of your websites at search engine results page. Besides these, you may also require some other suggestions, depending on your need.
What is Search Engine Optimization?
The most important part of an online presence for a business is finding ways to let people know that they exist. It is a bigger world today in business than it has ever been. Now a small boutique in a little town can find an audience for their products with no boundaries. Without the proper attention to search engine optimization, however, that same little boutique will remain obscure and firmly planted in its small town.
Learn Houston SEO Tricks
Learning the tricks of internet visibility can seem daunting. Research shows that the companies that show up in the top five results on a search engine page are the ones that will be most often taken seriously. Today's public is used to their information fast and they do not spend a lot of time window-shopping when they are ready to make the purchase. They are going to click on the first few options and choose from those. That is where you want your company to be.
Vibrant, Exciting Web Pages
Now how do you get there? You get to the top by creating vibrant, exciting pages full of useful information about your product or service. You make those pages useful to the search engines by using keywords. Keywords are the words you think your customers are most likely to type into the search box in order to find your product.
What Search Engines Do
The internet is a lively place. Behind the scenes, search engines send out a program designed to find pages and decipher not only their relevance but also the words that will best describe the page. Then it is placed in the most appropriate place on their lists. They strive to ensure that their viewers find the most accurate and useful information in their search.
Developing a Houston SEO Strategy
When you develop your strategy for Houston SEO remember that bright colors and flashy slogans are wonderful once you get someone in the door but you have to get them there first for it to make any difference. Using the right words is the key to success. With good search engine optimization the possibilities are limitless for a business in cyber space.
SEO Tips for Improved Houston Search Engine Rank
Use Header Tags
Header tags are used to specify headings within an article on a web page. For example, using H1, H2, and H3 header tags make it simple for readers to quickly skim your web pages for content that they want to read, rather than having to trudge through all of your content. In fact, most people will not read through all of your content if it isn't simple to read. Online surfers have little patience and will leave a website that doesn't quickly give them useful information in an easy-to-read format.
Bold and Italicize Keywords
Bolding keywords will make them stand out to readers so that they know right away what your web pages are focusing on. This is another way to keep people on your website for an extended period of time, helping them become more familiar with your business and website.
Use Title Tags
A page's title tags tell people who are scouring search results on Google, Yahoo!, and Live (formerly MSN) what your web page is all about. You should use a different title for every web page, and the title should always be written specifically for that web page. If possible, include the title of the article on the web page in the title tag. The title should be the primary keyword that the web page is focusing on, as well.
Write a Unique Description for Every Web Page
Since every web page is unique, they should each have their own unique description. Try to use your keyword one or two times in the description. Overstuffing the description with keywords will not likely improve your search rank.
Use Unique Keywords for Every Web Page
Each page should also have its own set of keywords. The primary keyword that a web page is focused on should be the first keyword in the list of keywords. This improves the keyword's prominence, which is a very important factor in search engine optimization.
Only Use 100% New, Unique Content
Content that is copied from another website is counted as duplicate content by search engines and will not be likely to improve your website's search rank. Write your own unique content or hire an SEO firm to write optimized content for your website.
Make Your Website User-Friendly
The first two SEO tips in this article discussed how using header tags and bolding/italicizing keywords helped maintain your readers' attention. These tips also improve your search engine rank because search engines look for these optimization techniques because they want to deliver quality websites to their searchers.
There are many SEO tips that can improve your search engine rank, but your website is not likely to see the first page of a search engine for search terms that your visitors are actually using without the help of a Houston search engine optimization firm. You may show up for second-rate search terms and what are called "long-tail keywords," but the competitive keywords that targets markets actually use are often targeted by big-budget retailers and service companies.
SEO Houston and Effective Local Internet Marketing
If you have never owned a business with an online presence, you may think that SEO refers to some seventies heavy metal rock group. Once you make the leap to the internet with your business presence, however, you will soon learn that search engine optimization is the make or break connection you need to survive in the competitive world of online commerce.
SEO simply means search engine optimization; SEO Houston is search engine optimization for local Houston-based search terms. It is how your customers can find you in the sea of websites that exist in cyber space. Without a strong presence on the search engines your business' online presence is likely to fail.
Get Ranked or Get Lost: The Ugly Truth
"They can't buy what they can't find" is the phrase that most appropriately sums up the need for quality Houston SEO rank, meaning high search engine rank for Houston-based search engine terms. When people go online to find a product or service the first place they head is a search engine. While some are more popular than others it is important to have a good standing on as many as possible to ensure the widest exposure to potential customers.
Getting Discovered for Local Search Terms
Once your website is in the search engines, the next and even more vital goal is to be on top of the list for companies that offer the service or product you provide. This is where search engine optimization comes in. It is the technique of creating a presence on the web that pulls your webpage to the top of the list by creating content that is attractive to the search engines. All of the search engines troll the net for keywords and phrases and determines how important each page is to the subject so that their viewers get the best responses for their search queries.
Why Optimization is Important
Studies have shown that the first five listings on a search engine are the ones viewers take the most seriously. That is where you want your companies page to be listed. Once you realize this, then you will know for sure and forever that SEO Houston is not a relic rock band from the past but the key to your future and you will have begun your journey into internet commerce with the ability to succeed.